The Meanings of Stress
The Drug Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai
today has talked deeply about the meaning and effects of stress in our human
body. For early men, the biggest challenge was survival. The dangers they had
to face were many- extreme weather, wild animals, hostile clansmen and so on.
when faced with a given situation, the
choice was either “fight” or ‘flight”. The Drug Rehabilitation
Center in Mumbai states that a cocktail of hormones including
adrenaline and cortisol are released into the bloodstream, preparing the body
to respond to the threat and take immediate action by increasing the blood
pressure, heartbeat, breathing speed, muscle tension, and sharpness of the
senses. These bodily changes were vital to keep one alive in those harsh
scenarios long ago.
of years of progress has made the world a much safer place to live. The dangers
that we face now are much milder in nature. However, the “fight” or “flight”
response that enabled our ancestors to survive are so deeply ingrained in us
that we find ourselves responding in the same manner to situations that we
perceive as threatening. our bodies react in the same manner even though the
challenges thrown at us are more emotional or cerebral in nature.
stress is the body’s way of responding to any demand or threat that it faces.
Even as this response is helpful in facing dangerous situations, when the body
starts responding in such a manner repeatedly, stress becomes harmful and
causes damage to your health, career, relationships, personality,and quality of
life. Lets, see according to the Drug Rehabilitation Center in Mumbai, what are
the various reasons for the cause of stress.
Reasons for Stress
*Academic or workplace
*Major life
Identifying Stress
Stress itself is not easy to identify as the
response to different stressors may seem
quite natural. However, stress manifests itself in several forms. The symptoms
of stress may be categorized as cognitive, emotional, physical, and behavioral
stress includes: problems with memory and concentration, anxious thoughts, and
continuous worrying.
effects include: feeling unhappy or depressed, anxiety, irritable behavior,
loneliness, isolation, and feeling overwhelmed
effects include: unexplained pain, digestive problems, nausea, chest pain,
increased heart beat, and frequent illness.
Excess stress
may also lead to behavioral issues such as disrupted appetite and sleep,
reduced social interaction, procrastination, substance abuse, and repetitive
behavior like nail biting.
Stress Management
While it is near impossible to completely
avoid stressors in our life, it is possible to regulate our response to these. Thus,
we can ensure that the stress that we are subject to stays within tolerable
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